A pack of work for two weeks of English lessons building up to writing a newspaper report about a missing teddy kidnapped by pirates.
The planning is based on the teaching sequence which follows the structure of: Immerse, Analyse, SPAG, Plan, Write, Review.
The pack contains weekly planning, flipcharts and differentiated activities.
The SPAG aspects covered are: descriptive language, past tense, punctuation and complex senrences.
A leaflet which explains how the phonics screening process works and gives parents advice on how they can support their children. Part of the leaflet is specific to Read Write Inc, however this section can be just changed to include information to fit with how you teach phonics at your school.
Flowers with the sounds ch, sh, th, air and earin the centre of them and words on petals to match. I laminated them and cut them out and the children had to match the petal with the flower.
An activity where children have to read the CVC word on the star and match with the correct picture on the Christmas tree. My class absolutely love this activity!